What to consider when signing up for classes

When the time comes to sign up for classes it always seems so stressful. There are so many things to consider; such as what time, what class, what teacher, etc.

When figuring out what classes to take, you should..

  • Review the University Studies Core Curriculum to determine what requirements you must meet. Check off the classes you have taken and determine what classes you may be interested in to meet your University Studies requirements. Make sure that you have a plan to meet all University Studies requirements.
  • Go to the University College site at [http://uncw.edu/uc/advising/degrees.html] to determine what classes are pre-requisites and what classes are required for your major.
  • Log on to SeaNet. Click students schedule, and then look up classes to add. Select the term, and then search availability by class. Write down possible times and instructors you are interested in taking.
  • Go to Rate My Professors for UNCW at [http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/SelectTeacher.jsp?sid=3995] to finalize your instructor selection based on what other students have rated both the quality and easiness of the instructor.
  • Prepare 2 to 3 possible schedules including the classes, times, and instructors. Make sure to include the CRN numbers. You will need the CRN numbers to register for classes.
  • Remember you are your own best advocate. Be well prepared when you meet with your advisor. You should have your tentative schedules in hand. Your advisor may suggest other possible classes and may even have insight into your instructor selection.
  • Listen to your school advisor. The advisors at UNCW are really helpful when it comes to knowing what an individual student needs to do to have a successful academic career.

When dealing with what time, here are a few pointers…teen-late-for-school-rex.jpg

  • NOT 8am
  • NOT 6pm
  • Morning classes after 8am are usually the best. That way you are done with school by the time the afternoon comes around, and still have time for the beach!
  • Afternoon classes before 6pm are usually ok as well if you like to sleep in.

When trying to decide which teacher..