Greek Life

In your experience at UNCW, you will have the opportunity to join many different student organizations, clubs, and extra curricular activities. Of these options includes Greek Life. For those new to the concept, Greek Life consists of all of the fraternities and sororities on campus whom assist with the bettering of individuals by the introduction of brotherhood/sisterhood. These groups definitely come with their preconceived stigmas; however, to those willing to dive a little bit deeper, they can be incredibly rewarding. Some of the benefits from joining either a Fraternity or Sorority include:

- Academic supervision (reporting of grades to brothers or sisters keeps you in check)
- Social Networking
- Job opportunities
- Guidance and help from older members
- Leadership opportunities/ building character
- Business fundamentals/ connections
- Resume builders
- Contributing to your community
-Life Long Friendships
-Social Skills
-Learning how to dress properly
-Philanthropic Events
- etc


As an active member of Greek Life here on UNCW's campus, I can say that I do not regret a single decision I've made when it comes to joining a greek organization. The stereotypes of Greek life depicted by the media and movies shouldn't define us; I have found a group of people that have benefited my overall well-being in nearly every way possible. The friends I've made, the experiences I've had, and the way I've given back to the community are all things that I won't soon forget. As I still have two more years at UNCW, I hope to impact the lives of others and make a difference in the Wilmington area through the opportunities provided by UNCW Greek Life. Not only will I leave this college feeling a sense of accomplishment because of the opportunities provided by my fraternity, but I will leave knowing that I have a group of people that will always have my side and people that I can call life-long friends.

What should be remembered about Greek Life, is that it is your choice alone. Don't let stigmas and stereotypes shape your decision. When considering Greek Life, think about it as if it is any other club. Scope the club out if it interests you, and act accordingly to your conclusions. Every club is an opportunity, and without proper research into all clubs, opportunities are missed. Why not try it and worst comes to worst you know its not for you from your own conclusions?

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