Unless a student has parents that spoil him or her, at some point in their college career they will need to find a job. This can sometimes be hard but with some dedication and perseverance it can be done. Here are some suggestions on where to start.
- http://www.indeed.com/
- http://uncw.edu/career/SeaWork.html
- http://wilmington.craigslist.org/search/jjj?is_parttime=1
- Friends that may know of jobs
While looking for a job, it is a good idea to have a resume already created and ready to upload to a potential employer at a moments notice. You can find plenty of different resume templates in MS Office or google search a resume builder website.
Another good tool to have while searching for a job is to have a Linkedin account. This is a great social media tool for job searchers. You create a profile that describes you and all your talents. This can be good to reference potential employers in your resume by showing a link to your profile.
A very useful website that breaks down jobs by categories is Craigslist. They have part-time, full-time, and so many other choices for jobs found in the Wilmington area. It is important to read each jobs requirements before acquiring about the job. Also, make sure job listings provide a contact number, email address, location address, and hours of operation to reduce a scam job.
It is also a good idea to already have a list of references to use for your application and to put on your resume. You can use a wide variety of people who you should have a good professional relationship with. You may consider past employers and managers, professors, and even friends who work in the professional field you are trying to get a job in.
In today's economy, it is already hard enough to find a job for a college student that doesn't involve you being covered in grease or smelling like the catch of the day. In order to improve your chances of finding a job, you have got to impress the interviewer right off the bat. Yes, have a good resume in hand, but never forget the power of a good firm hand shake. Practice, practice, practice your interviewing skills with friends and/or family before walking through the door.
Go around to places which you are interested in and ask if they are hiring. A matching face with an application goes much further than an online application. If you dress to impress, and are confident in yourself you are bound to get the job.
However, if you are just looking for a typical, barely over minumum-wage type job, alot of that advice will get you nowhere. Most companies today only accept online applications, at least places like retail stores and chain restaurants. Everything already noted about the interview process still applies, but going in to make an impression before applying is usually pointless. The only reason to go in beforehand is to find out whether or not their applications are done online or not. If not, refer back to previous advice.
If the application is online, make sure you have some time before you start it, or are able to save your progress if you have to exit away from your computer. I have filled out several online applications, and they ususally take over an hour, if not two. It covers the usual standard personal info, previous jobs, a few references, and every once in a while, a resume (but usually not). There will often be a long portion at the end of the application where it asks you a bunch of questions, with short answer or, more likely, multiple choice options. Some will seem extremely random, and others will ask you what you would do in specific scenarios, like ones that would happen in a workplace.
Answer the questions the best you can, and watch out for traps that will try to see if you are choosing the answer only because you think that's the one they want to see. The most important thing is to take your time. Rushing through the questions has ruined job opportunities for me personally.
Now, for the whole, going in to the store and all that, putting the face with the application. Don't start calling them right away. Alot of places don't like that anymore. Wait at least 3 or 4 days, then go in, dressed nice but not too nice, (maybe a polo shirt or something, no backwards hats or baggy clothes or smelly stuff or anything) and tell them you recently applied, are interested in getting a job HERE, and were just curious what the process of interviewing and hiring is. If they seem impressed, they might schedule you right there for an interview. If they seem annoyed, be polite, listen to what they say, and don't go back in for at least a week.
From that point, you should have a pretty good feeling for whether or not you have a chance at getting the job. Follow previous advice on the interviewing process. I'll add a couple tips for the interview. 1) Be professional, but still friendly and comfortable, ESPECIALLY if you are going to be interacting with customers at the job. They want to see someone with good people skills. 2) They will probably ask you to tell them a bunch of different stories about a time when [blank] happened to you, and what you did or how you handled it. If you can't think of something good pretty quick, make something up. Stuttering and not being able to answer quick is usually a bad sign to the employer. However, if you're going to make something up, you better make it sound real. Don't make up a crazy heroic story or anything, just something simple that shows you responded to a situation in a good way.
Hopefully, they will hire you right there, or set up a second interview. It's okay if they don't though. They often wait and call you later, asking when you can start or come in for a second interview. Never should you give up on small things and should keep trying until one succeeds in his or her life.
Again, this advice applies to simple, low paying and low skill jobs. Something where you're probably not getting more than 8 or 9 bucks an hour. I've had about eight of them, I have been in all different types of places, and I don't think I've ever gotten to an interview and then not landed the job. Follow these instructions and use your own common sense, and you should be good.