The newest addition to the Cameron School of Business curriculum is Business 205. This course is required for the 2012-2013 year degree audit. The course is 1 credit, with sophomore or junior standing required. The course covers topics such as; business academic curriculum, communication skills, preparation for entering a career, and an appreciation of the business environment.
The course is based mainly on presentations by professors at UNCW, discussing many important and helpful topics to help you learn about many things in and about the business world. You have the opportunity to learn so much about how to prepare to enter the workforce, as well as what to do when you get there. There are other parts to the class, but many of the class periods will be spent listening to someone talk the whole time, giving a presentation on something. I will explain why, but trust me enough to read the rest of this page. THIS IS NOT JUST A REQUIRED COURSE THAT YOU NEED TO PASS TO GET INTO THE CSB. This class is ESSENTIAL in preparing you for the business world.
I know this may sound boring, and it may seem like a easy class to skip or sleep through. All of that might be true, depending on who you are and what interests you. Hopefully; however, if you are a Business Major, then listening to someone talk about how to help you succeed in the business world will be of AT LEAST some interest to you.
The information in the presentations, at least most of them, are actually very informative to anyone pursuing a career in business. They really show you what's out there, what your options are, what to start thinking about and what to start DOING to get ready for and begin your career.
They talk about everything. Internship opportunities, how to make a resume and write a business memo (Yea, there's a specific etiquette for writing a memo in the business world), study abroad programs you should do, and ones you should NOT do (as a business major), stories of how a specific industry works: Information Systems for example; how to interact with co-workers, how to use LinkedIn to get ahead, how to introduce yourself to superiors, and so much more. Do you know what an elevator speech is? Well, you're most likely going to need to if you ever want to make it in your field of choice.
Several professors, many with PhD's, come in and talk to the class. They all take questions too. You can ask them whatever you want, and many of them will stick around and meet you. They'll answer more questions, give advice, and possibly even offer you an opportunity for a job, or an internship or recommendation or something like that. That could be HUGE for you!
Think about it, do you even have any idea how you plan to get a job after you graduate? What will make you better than the other hundreds of thousands of college grads with business degrees looking for the same jobs? Or what would that job would even be? I'll tell you one thing for sure; it's not going to be Head Marketing Director of Abercrombie or Lead Finance Consultant for Bank of America. Nothing even close. There's a process. There is sooo much more just to getting a job, much less having a successful business career, than just taking your classes and getting that degree.
Business 205 might not be the magic key with the secret treasure chest to shoot to the top of the business world, but it is probably the next best thing. PAY ATTENTION IN THIS CLASS. Seriously. What you learn could be the difference between a successful career or a waste of a Bachelor's Degree.