Welcome to MIS-213 Class Wiki
This site was created for the MIS 213-course to demonstrate social networking and knowledge management. The wiki is intended to help incoming students succeed at UNCW.
- To participate, please create a wikidot-account first
- Then log in to help improve this wiki, as follows:
- Review the entries that are already posted and edit a couple for quality, accuracy and completeness. You can edit the content or the tags by adding to the existing entry or changing what is already there; you can also rate other pages, or start a discussion; AND/OR
- Start a new topic on issues such as:
- How to sign up for classes etc.
- Tips for studying and learning, in general or for one particular course/instructor specifically
- Managing classes
- Technology, how to obtain and use it
- Housing and living in Wilmington
- Finding and managing friends
- Don't forget to:
- Add meaningful tags to your new page, or to the pages that you review
- Structure your page with paragraphs and bullet points
- Add pictures
- Cite your sources
- Link your page with other internal or external pages (Select Page Link)
- Review your experience in a Word-document (1 to 2 pages), describing:
- Your strategy of reviewing information on the site (how easy was it to understand what is already there and to judge the quality?)
- The overall quality of the content
- The changes you made, including a link to the page/s that you created or edited
- Submit your document to Blackboard (Course Content - Ch. 5 - Wiki-Assignment).
- Major points for grading:
- Level of detail and insights in the description of how the wiki was navigated, and about the general user experience (25%)
- Meaningfulness of quality assessment, including some insights of how the quality of individual pages can be judged (25%)
- Extent, quality and significance of the changes made to one or several pages on the wiki (provide link/s) (40%)
- Grammar, style and format of the submission (10%)
page revision: 27, last edited: 31 Aug 2021 12:25